Welcome to the City of Bellerive Acres
Located in historic North Saint Louis County, Bellerive Acres is a great place to live! Whether it is the beautiful homes, the proximity to the natural Bird Sanctuary, or 15 minute drive time to most of Saint Louis, Bellerive Acres has a little something for everyone.
This site has been organized to provide easy access to public information and local resources. Take a moment to view the latest meeting minutes or check out the most recent news of activity in the area.
COVID-19 Resources
During this trying time, everyone needs to do their part to support our community and our nation's healthcare providers.
Please refer to the following two locations for detailed information on the COVID-19. If you have a specific local request or need, please contact your local City representative.
City Council Virtual Meetings
BOA Meeting @ 7 pm Thurs Mar 20th 2025
Join Zoom Meeting - Click here for the direct link
OR join by phone: (US) +1 312 626 6799
Meeting ID: 929 3312 8536
Passcode: 897433
Live - Bellerive Acres Citizen Comment Form
The City of Bellerive Acres has now enabled a Citizen Comment form. This provides a way for people to contact the City and provide feedback in may forms. You can choose to remain anonymous or leave contact information if a follow up is required.
Feedback types include:
Generic Comment
Recognition (for City person or Resident)
Code Complaint
The tool is listed under "Site Features" Give the tool a try today!
Photo by Nik MacMillan on Unsplash